ADM614 MOD 6 ASSIGNMENT: the U.S. Healthcare System
# Is the U.S. Healthcare System Sick?
Assessment Traits
Requires Lopeswrite
Assessment Description
In 1,000 words, do the following:
- Compare how much the United States and Europe spend on healthcare every year. Does the U.S. spend comparatively more or less than other developed countries?
- Explain what metrics are used to measure health. Where does the United States fall, according to those metrics?
- Describe the rationale for the role of government in health care. To what extent is poverty a salient factor, in terms of government intervention? Explain.
- Describe how health care might be reformed to address high costs and limited coverage.
- Discuss the prospective advantages and disadvantages of a single-payer system, like that of Canada.
Use 4 scholarly resources to support your explanation