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Top Personal Essay Topics and Writing Tips


Personal essay guide

Persuasive Personal Essay: Where To Start

To excel in writing a personal essay, you need to go through our compiled personal essay tips and topics by our expert and creative writers. Since we all like to tell exciting stories that share our experiences with our friends and family, putting on ideas into a paper professionally is crucial.

It may be about a significant event you attended, sharing an impression, or even narrating something personal about you. You might probably have some ideas on how to go about it, but that’s not enough as one needs to have a proper understanding of how such a paper should look.

Coping with this assignment requires a student to understand its purpose well. Though the writing process is not complicated, essential features must be considered while coming up with this assignment.

To earn decent grades on the personal essay, not only should one follow their professor’s guidelines, but they should also tell a compelling story that engages the reader. This is because if the essay becomes vapid or shallow, the anticipated outcome will be hard to achieve.

Through our essay writing guide, we’ll provide detailed and practical personal essay writing tips, plus quite exciting topics that can be of help in your journey of becoming a professional writer. In our guide, you will find many practical personal essay writing tips and engaging topics to help you grow into a professional writer.

Defining a Personal Essay

What clicks in your mind when you hear the term personal essay? Perhaps it is the thought that you’re required to write something unique about yourself or your life. Before figuring out how to write an engaging personal essay, one should understand what a personal essay is and why it is written.

Well, extensively, this statement is true. This form of essay’s primary objective is to narrate your feelings to your audience while describing them in a thought-provoking and engaging way.

However, it would help if you did not forget that you aren’t writing your autobiography but rather a description of specific experienced life episodes in your personal life. Besides, you may as well reconsider describing a situation that pushed you into learning new things or changing your values.

The Basics to Consider When Writing Your Essay:

  • Your response to an important event;
  • Description of a particular place you have visited.
  • A meaningful episode from your life;
  • Description of the person who has played an essential role in your life;

Having the know-how on what a personal essay entails is not a guarantee that you will succeed with this task. Writing a personal essay should include insights and exciting ideas that resonate with your targeted audience. This calls for paying particular attention to the structure and content of your essay.

Writing your essay thoughtfully while following the guidelines helps produce an odd piece that brings out the desired outcomes. The most outstanding personal essays always have to be well-structured, clear, and engaging.

What should be the length of a personal essay? In terms of length, a unique composition varies from 300 to 600 words. However, for detailed instructions, one will be required to check the prompt provided by their tutor.

Tips for Writing a Persuasive Personal Essay

We have listed down several practical tips that can apply in writing a persuasive personal essay that helps in figuring out how to turn a simple essay into a true masterpiece:

  1. “The show, don’t tell.”

One evident characteristic variance between personal essays and other academic papers is that; it allows the audience to draw a vivid picture in their heads. In addition to offering your audience helpful information, you as well will need to aid them in turning their imagination on;

  1. Apply your viewpoint.

A personal essay is one of the few academic tasks that allows one to state their unique point of view. No matter the personal essay format you may adopt while writing your essay, it is acceptable to use first-person narration. Applying this technique allows your reader to feel the situation better.

  1. Follow the apparent personal essay structure.

This means that you will be required to include an exciting introduction, a detailed main body as well as a firm conclusion in your essay;

  1. Use fascinating ideas.

When writing your essay, you may take ideas from your life. In other words, you will need to write about everything that inspires you. To some extent, you can imagine that you are writing a diary in which you write your feelings and emotions;

  1. Take note of the hook.

Keeping in mind that your reader will probably disregard your essay if they find nothing interesting in it from the first few lines, a skilled writer knows there should be a hook.

This entails a statement that engages the reader into making them flow through the rest of the ideas. For a hook, one may include an interesting quote or an appropriate joke, provided it helps in grasping the reader’s attention and making them read your essay;

  1. Use the “active voice.”

When writing a personal essay, you should never forget that you are the narrator; thus, your essay ought to have a conversational tone;

  1. Avoid including too many imageries.

Clarity of ideas is the shortest way to write a great essay. Applying too long descriptions or other irrelevant details will probably make your reader get bored. Pay attention that you may get rid of all the unrelated ideas and awkward statements when revising your essay;

  1. Ensure to give self-enough time.

Although writing a personal essay for college is a simple task, you should not leave it until the last day. By managing your deadline correctly, you will be able to dedicate enough time to planning, writing, and revising your essay;

  1. Do not pretend.

If you would like to include the facts that are fake to look better in your reader’s eyes, you will never succeed. Pay close attention that your audience will quickly recognize if you are not honest with them;

  1. Do not be afraid to tell of your past failures.

Although making your personal essay look positive is recommended, you should not be afraid to talk about your failures. This is because our failures have been an integral part of our life, and this helps us to grow mentally.

When talking about the challenges you had to overcome should be accompanied by the lessons you have learned from these challenges;

  1. As well talk about your significant achievements.

Whenever it is appropriate, you will need to talk about your main achievements and assets because you have to be proud of them;

  1. Avoid using your essay to find excuses.

You will be required to write your essay in a way that does not pay special attention to your mistakes.

Personal Essay Topics

Utilizing the best personal essay topics helps in writing an excellent essay. Considering you are writing a unique college essay, choosing a topic that talks more about yourself to your reader is of paramount importance.

Before selecting any topic, you must first brainstorm your ideas to pick up a subject that matches your interests. Preferably, you will need to create a personal essay outline that will include all points you may want to discuss in your essay.

It would help if you understood that only by writing an essay on a topic that is interesting to you will you be able to enjoy the writing process while making your article interesting for your reader. Although choosing an appropriate topic may take a considerable amount of time, it will significantly economize the time spent on your essay writing.

In case you are missing exciting ideas for writing your essay, consider taking a look at some of the topics created by our professional and expert writers:

Top 30+ Personal Essay Topics For 2022

  1. What makes you happy?
  2. How I lost my close relative;
  3. Life is a multi-dimensional path. It is essential to know the next move;
  4. Have you ever met a famous person? What would you do if you met your favorite TV star?
  5. What would I purchase if I had one billion dollars;
  6. My real-life experience on why self-control is necessary;
  7. What does it mean to be a human?
  8. Should people learn from their mistakes or the mistakes of other people;
  9. Describe the most exciting trip in your life;
  10. A moment when I did the wrong thing. How to live with a sense of guilt?
  11. My experience attending a concert of a famous pop artist;
  12. Animals are our closest friends. Tell about your childhood memories related to animals;
  13. How did you learn to drive a car? Describe your feelings;
  14. What is your favorite way of the New Year celebration?
  15. Describe your eating habits;
  16. Tell about a significant accident you have witnessed;
  17. How should people deal with stress and pressure? Tell me about your experience;
  18. Why should a hobby not be turned into a career?
  19. Explain your position on animal testing;
  20. Is it ethical to test products on animals?
  21. How to help our world survive?
  22. Importance of healthy lifestyle choice;
  23. Why do I not watch TV?
  24. How to turn our world into a better place?
  25. Getting a tattoo. Pros and cons based on your experience
  26. Importance of parents in making my life choices;
  27. What lessons have made me stronger?
  28. What makes you a good coworker or friend?
  29. Where would you like to spend a thunderstorm?
  30. A memorable teacher that made an impact on you
  31. What is your logo in life?
  32. Are teens often involved in sports?
  33. How well can teens manage their time?

Selecting some of the ideas provided above for your writing inspiration will create a spectacular piece that will bring you a good outcome. Yet, if you have no time or excellent writing skills, you should get in touch with our writing team, and we will provide you with a document that will fully meet and exceed your expectations.

We have been providing our customers with customized personal essays for many years, helping them achieve their academic goals successfully. No matter how urgent or challenging your task is, you can rely on us, and we won’t let you down. We’re the best academic writing platform online and deliver quality essays to our clients.

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